Sass sourcemap firefox for mac

The problem seems to be the sources attribute within the sourcemap and how my sass files are nested. With the advent of compiled css like less or sass, or minifieduglified js, it makes debugging awkward as you cant see the original lines of code that you wrote. This is useful when working with assets that are compiled from less, sass, coffeescript and so on. A source map is a file that maps from the transformed source to the original source, enabling the browser to reconstruct the original source and present the reconstructed original in the debugger. To enable the debugger to work with a source map, you must. Debugging sass with sourcemaps sass basics treehouse. Now, in order to test sass source maps, youre going to need the prerelease version of sass 3. When compiling a source to css, use the option to generate a sourcemap for each style sheet. Getting started with css sourcemaps and inbrowser sass. Maps in sass hold pairs of keys and values, and make it easy to look up a value by its corresponding key. Chrome, firefox and safari all have support for source maps.

Source maps are json files providing a way to associate transformed sources, as seen by the browser, with their original sources, as written by. Css sourcemaps allow the browser to map css generated by a preprocessor, such as sass, back to the original source file, including exactly which sass mixin, placeholder or variable is responsible. Sass sourcemaps not working in ff 50 sourcemaps not working if map. From firefox 29 onwards, the style editor can understand css source maps. Simply open up the devtools settings and toggle the enable css source maps option. Live editing sass and less in the firefox developer tools mozilla. Sourcemaps contain information that links each line of your output css to the sass scss source, right down to the partial file and line of code.

Live editing sass and less in the firefox developer tools. Also, keep in mind that not all sassgenerated files come with sourcemaps this is a feature that must be manually enabled with the sourcemap. I have another problem which did not have before, if i run this sass watch compass sass. If youre using chrome, source maps are now part of the core feature set, so you dont have to monkey around in chrome. I am using the latest aurora on windows 7 and have my files are being. But according to this post, this issue has been fixed in node sass, but it still occurred with sass loader. I cant remember how i did it before, can find the article i followed before. The keys must be unique, but the values may be duplicated. The javascript sources executed by the browser are often transformed in some way from the original sources created by a developer. This means that if you use, for example, sass, then the style editor will show you, and allow you to edit, sass files, rather than the css that is generated from them.

Took me a bit before i realized i wasnt generating a sourcemap using the debuginfo flag. The devtools will use this source map to map locations in the css style sheet to. You can also run sass help for more information about the commandline interface. From firefox 40 onwards, the style sheet pane also includes a context menu that lets you. But as you can see it is not pointing to the correct s. If youre brand new to sass weve set up some resources to help you learn pretty. I have problems in devtools with sass source map not working, just see css. Debug compiled css and js in firefox using sourcemaps. At the moment sourcemap support is only available in the yettobereleased sass 3.

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